About us
An-Nisa Society is a charity that exists to strengthen communities and promote a healthy
By healthy we mean spiritually, mentally, physically, economically and in all other ways.society.
We strive to infuse our efforts with an Islamic Ethos
We aim to develop strategies and approaches taking due regard of Islamic ethics, principles and models relevant to a modern contemporary situation. and perspective. This includes the understanding that:
•The world was created in balance Balance – “And the earth -We have spread it out wide, and placed on it mountains firm, and caused [life] of every kind to grow on it in a balanced manner”Qur’an 15:19 And the skies has He raised high, and has devised [for all things] a balance, and harmony and we must strive to preserve and restore that balance.
•Everyone is inter-connected and has a responsibility to each other.
•The best way in which to eliminate the ‘dis-ease’ in society is to create healthyBy healthy we mean spiritually, mentally, physically, economically and in all other ways. alternatives and holistic We mean that there is a unity, inter-connectedness, balance and harmony in creation which we must strive to restore and preserve. We believe strategies and solutions need to look at root cases and design multi-pronged approaches to produce enduring and sustainable solutions. and sustainableWe need to develop ways of supporting community that are sustainable. The organising principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes the four interconnected domains: ecology, economics, politics and culture. solutions.
We are an Inclusive We believe in being inclusive that includes within the Muslim community and without – with anyone who welcomes our approach.organisation and welcome anyone who appreciates this approach. This includes:
•Muslims who see themselves positively as Muslims
•Anyone from any cultural background or faith.
We passionately believe:
•That healthy
By healthy we mean spiritually, mentally, physically, economically and in all other ways. and harmonious family life eliminates vulnerability and isolation and builds stronger communities.
•In breaking down barriers and building bridges both among people of all cultures and beliefs.
•In compassion
“Compassion is the recognition that all beings are profoundly interconnected, such that the joys and suffering of one are the joys and suffering of all…(with) a commitment to appreciate and treat with respect all individuals as we would want to be treated…and to alleviate suffering when and where we find it.” Charter for Compassion and the importance of reconnecting to people’s compassionate self, because this leads to a compassionate society.
•In social justice – that everyone should be treated equally and be given the same opportunities to fulfil their potential.
•That society can be transformed by supporting the personal growth of individuals and nurturing families.
•We must act locally to influence the global situation.Act Locally, Think Globally – We believe passionately in acting locally to change the global situation. It is at a local level that change happens and then spreads outward and upward. We believe that change needs to happen from the ‘bottom up’ rather than from ‘top down.
•That we must create Societal IhsanIhsan is an Arabic Islamic term meaning “perfection” or “excellence” (Ara. husn). It is a matter of taking one’s inner faith (iman) and showing it in both deed and action, a sense of social responsibility borne from God consciousness. It constitutes the highest form of worship (ibadah). Societal Ihsan is excellence in work and social interactions. We strive towards societal Ihsan (Excellence) in whatever we do.
We design creative and innovative social solutions that respond to today’s needs and build a better future for all.
Issues that we put on the agenda, developed or led campaigns about.
We were the first organisation to develop the idea of a diverse, heterogenous British Muslim identity. We campaigned extensively and now this identity is universally accepted.
‘Healthy Alliance Award’ 1999: An-Nisa Society, in partnership with Brent and Harrow Health Authority from North Thames Regional Health Authority
‘Excellence in Addressing Issues of Social Inclusion.’ 2003: From Brent Primary Care Trust & Brent Health Action Zone
Lifetime Achievement Award 2003: Khalida Khan, Director, An-Nisa Society, from ASPIRE, BME Health Workers Network
In Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Health Inequalities. 2006: From Brent Health Action Zone and Brent Primary Care Trust
For ‘Joe Nobody ‘– (2011) a 5 minute short –3rd Insight Festival winners of Young Voices Award for the Framing British Muslims Awards.
Our History
An-Nisa Society was co-founded in May 1985 by Khalida Khan and Humera Khan and supported by a group of other young British Muslim women. They were a multi-ethnic group, who were British born, second generation or converts from diverse ethnic backgrounds. An-Nisa Society was the first pro-active, women’s managed group to set up in Britain. Muslim women’s groups did not at this time engage in activities other than small social gatherings or Qura’nic circles
In the beginning the women sought only to implement change in their own lives and those immediately connected to them. But they soon realised that in order to deal with the multi-faceted problems facing Muslim communities, they needed to take a major role in addressing these issues. These issues and needs were neither being met by the Muslim community nor by the public sector services that are provided in a welfare state for all citizens.
Little did they know that from these small beginnings, with limited resources and operating from their sitting rooms, there would develop an organic grassroots organisation that has over three decades of its existence become a thought leader and influencer of change, with a national and international impact.